June 11th, 2015

The Tour AIMIA, built by the Kevric Real Estate Corporation, has received the LEED® Canada CS Gold certification. A category “A” office building located in Square Victoria in the heart of the International District, is the first new office building of its category in downtown Montreal to receive the LEED Canada CS Gold certification from the Canada Green Building Council. Kevric obtained this certification for the environmental measures it took during construction as well as for the numerous key elements that contribute to the building’s energy efficiency.

“Congratulations to Kevric Real Estate on the LEED Gold certification of its Tour AIMIA building,” says Thomas Mueller, President and CEO of the Canada Green Building Council. “By investing in a green building and implementing energy efficiency, waste diversion and air quality throughout the process, this building stands to positively impact its owners and provide a healthier, more productive environment for its occupants.”

For Richard Hylands, president of Kevric, “this certification speaks to the quality of what the Tour AIMIA has to offer. It was important for Kevric that the building’s construction and management of energy and air quality be inspiring examples and a source of pride for its occupants. The certification shows it is possible to do a great deal for our environment when constructing a major building in the heart of downtown Montreal.”

Construction of Tour AIMIA
The construction phase of the building is notable for many exemplary factors that earned it the LEED Canada CS Gold certification, including:

  • use of materials containing recycled components, which represent 17% of the material costs;
  • use of materials containing regionally sourced content, for 41% of material costs;
  • through careful management, more than 91% of construction waste was sent to specialized sites for processing or recycling, instead of a landfill or incinerators.

Energy efficiency
The building boasts state-of-the-art technologies that push the limits of energy efficiency. The design of the building’s mechanical systems allows it to achieve an energy reduction of 29% compared to the benchmark established by the National Energy Code for Buildings, in addition to the building’s high fenestration rating. The most significant elements that contribute to the Tour AIMIA’s exemplary level of energy efficiency:

  • The building’s mechanical systems capture energy and allow it to be re-used where it is needed. The systems capture heat generated by indoor sources-computers, for example-and use it to heat other parts of the building. On some winter days, heat recovery is so efficient that no other energy is consumed in order to heat the building;
  • A geothermal system takes advantage of Montreal’s relatively stable subsurface rock temperature to cool or heat, as needed, the water used in the building’s heating and cooling systems. This geothermal energy source is 100% renewable and nonpolluting, and further reduces the building’s energy consumption;
  • Outdoor light detectors automatically turn lights off in the offices when there is sufficient daylight in order to reduce electricity consumption;
  • A reduction in water consumption of more than 38% has been achieved by installing low-flow water fixtures and low-flush toilets.

Air quality
The building’s fresh-air supply systems deliver a high air quality that surpasses standards. This cleaner air contributes to creating work environments in the building that are focused on the health and well-being of its occupants.

Access and transport
In addition to parking spaces for bicycles and shower facilities, the Tour AIMIA encourages the use of public transit by offering:

  • direct access to Montreal’s underground pedestrian network;
  • direct indoor access to two metro lines and proximity to six bus routes.

Moreover, close to 4% of the parking spaces are equipped with charging stations for electric vehicles.

Heat reduction
The building is equipped with a white roof, a green roof and an indoor parking. These elements play a key role in reducing the urban heat-island effect typically caused by large buildings, particularly in dense urban centres.

About the Tour AIMIA
Together, the Tour AIMIA and Altoria form a mixed-use real-estate complex located across from Square Victoria Park and bordered by De La Gauchetière, Viger and Beaver Hall streets. Tour AIMIA, the office tower, is named after its anchor tenant (AIMIA) while the residential portion of the complex is named Altoria. The building has 10 floors of class “A” office space totaling more than 230,000 square feet. Located above the office space are 25 floors lodging 152 high-end condominiums.

One of Montreal’s tallest and most spectacular buildings, the Tour AIMIA, is a high-quality addition to the International District, alongside the head offices of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, Quebecor, Power Corporation and National Bank, as well as the Montreal Stock Exchange and W Hotel.

About LEED certification and the Canada Green Building Council
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a rating system that is internationally recognized as the benchmark for green buildings. It is based on a series of principles and practices that reduce environmental impact both during the construction and operation phases of a building. The LEED Canada CS (Core and Shell Development) certification applies to new constructions and major renovations of commercial and institutional buildings. The Canada Green Building Council has a mission to lead and accelerate the transformation to high-performing, healthy green buildings, homes and communities throughout Canada. It works closely with member organizations involved in the design, construction and operation of buildings and homes in an effort to make every building greener. Canada Green Building Council is the sole license-holder for the LEED rating system in Canada.

About Kevric Real Estate Corporation
In recent years, Kevric has positioned itself as the new flagship in the real estate industry in Montreal and across Canada. Its growing profile has earned it a choice position among the country’s foremost private building owners, developers and managers. Kevric’s mission is to acquire, develop and reposition buildings in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal that have the potential to generate high returns. Kevric provides specialized services in building construction and redevelopment, building and asset management, marketing and rentals, as well as project financing. It is currently co-owner and manager of Place Bonaventure and the Tour AIMIA in Montreal, as well as a dozen other buildings in Quebec and Ontario.